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Our Magnet Theme



Mystic River Magnet School

Theme: Active Exploration - Play and Ingenuity




The power of play motivates students to connect with, actively explore, and joyfully engage with their surrounding world."

- Steve Wheeler, Principal of Mystic River Magnet School

Our Play and Ingenuity Magnet School finds new ways to engage our students meaningfully in interest based learning with a focus on Active Exploration. Students will benefit from making social emotional connections in creative, hands on learning environments while working collaboratively and thinking critically with their peers. 

  • Grades K-2 - Active Exploration features developmentally appropriate play based learning that provides active exploration of topics. While building and strengthening brain pathways, children will create meaning through play and problem solving across disciplines.
  • Grades 3-5 - Active Exploration features games that promote mental and physical play and learning with a problem-solving framework to understand information across content areas. Collaboration between students and teachers will support solving complex problems across disciplines.


Our Mission Statement


Mystic River Magnet School, where you are inspired to take charge of your journey.  Everyday, you can find the joy in learning by exploring your imagination, through play and ingenuity




Our Active Exploration Theme

Play Supports Learning



Play is our brain's favorite way of learning.

- Diane Ackerman

Play is the highest form of research.

   - Albert Einstein

Almost all creativity involves purposeful play.

- Abraham Maslow

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.

-Carl Jung

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning.

- Fred Rogers



Meet Our Partners

We're busy making new friends to create unique educational partnerships for MRMS staff and students together.  Check back soon!




The Day - Groton students start new school year  

Groton — Upbeat music accompanied cheering teachers and paraprofessionals as they greeted elementary school students going to their first day of classes Tuesday morning at the new Mystic River Magnet School.  Read More







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